Important Notice

Friends, we have some really vulnerable things to share with you all. As some of you know, things at The Imagination Space have not all been sunshine and rainbows this past year. Between some pretty major personal life changes for both of us, and our lowest grossing year, it is time for us both to move on. Our children have outgrown the space, and our lifestyles no longer allow us the freedom to give The Imagination Space the commitment it requires and deserves. We love the community we have built, and the amazing humans big and small we have met along the way. This decision has not been made lightly, and it has been many months of sleepless nights wondering how to make it all work out.
We are eternally grateful for those of you that have reached out and shown up for us while we pondered over this decision. We have put together a proposal of sale, if you or someone you know feels a fire to keep this community space going, please reach out. Otherwise our last day of operations will be Saturday February 15th. The reality of the situation is that we had big dreams for our Arthur location and poured everything into it right as the change in the economy had everyone scrambling to make ends meet. The debts that we incurred to finance the move and expansion of the business, and changes we have made to try to keep the doors open as long as possible are more than the business can support.
We would really love to go out with a bang, and make these last weeks of operation one hell of a farewell party. Come out if you can, spend time with us and your kiddos, to help us ease the transition to the next phase of our lives.
Amy & Sarah